Clearing Recent Karma – Emotional Baggage

April 18, 2017 – 9pm Eastern – Online
Clearing Recent Karma – Emotional Baggage
Online Energy Transmission with Sifu James
Part 1:  Setting the New Template
Part 2: Clearing Recent Karma
Part 3: Feedback
***This is a silent transmission.
If you arrive late to the call, command (out loud or silently)
3396 Connect to Sifu James” to be added in.
To all those who are listening at a different time zone and
will be accessing the replay use “3396 Connect to Sifu James”
as your starting command/intention to be part of the energy.
Click here to attend via webcast.
To attend via telephone:
(425) 440-5010
Pin Code: 171508#
Click here to avoid long distance charges and find a local number

Aligning Body, Soul and Higher Self Energy Transmission

Aligning Body, Soul and Higher Self 
Energy Transmission by Sifu James Foo

Time: Tuesday, February 7th at 9:00 PM Eastern

Click here to join via webcast.

To join via phone:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Pin Code: 171508#
Click here for local numbers

Feng Shui 101 and Level 1 Condensed

Well, we have finally done it!
We’ve convinced Sifu James to teach Feng Shui 101!!!
After many requests Sifu James has agreed to add Feng Shui 101 into his very busy schedule.
In order to make this possible, we have modified the February 4 & 5, 2017 Toronto workshop to as follows:
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Condensed: The Core of QiMatic QiGong
9:30am to 3:00pm
21 Clairtrell Road, North York.
Click here for map.
Cost: $150; repeat students of Level 1, seniors and students: $75
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Feng Shui 101 – QiMatic Approach
9:30am to 3:00pm
21 Clairtrell Road, North York.
Click here for map.
Cost: $150
In Feng Shui 101 you will learn:
*  What really is Feng Shui?           
*  How does it affect your Health and Wealth?            
*  Locate auspicious (prosperous) areas in your home.
*  Improve the inauspicious areas in your home.              
*  Work on your own residential space with your floor plan.
Click here to send an email and register for the
complete weekend (as you know Sifu James ALWAYS has
new information to freely share no matter what the topic)
or to just register for either of the programs individually.
If you are attending Feng Shui 101 be sure to
draw out and bring your home’s floor plan.
We are so looking forward to being together again soon!

Train the Trainer QiMatic QiGong Retreat at Sugar Ridge

Train the Trainer QiMatic QiGong retreat hosted by Lisa Pryce.

This is a quick reminder regarding the ‘TRAIN the TRAINER‘ QiMatic QiGong retreat with Sifu James Foo!

He will be reviewing levels 1 – 5, the first day (Thursday).
The balance of the retreat he will then be presenting much needed, new material, at this exciting point in Humanities experience!
We can look forward to an abundance of information and practice at this hands on event!

Click here for more detailed retreat information.

I have a small number of spots still available. If you feel drawn to work with the latest QiMatic Healing practices that Sifu James will be be teaching, I encourage you to register as soon as possible. The deposit is only $200.00, with the balance due mid February.

**Rate includes 3 or 4 nights accommodation, all meals, taxes, gratuities, and 3 or 4 days of learning experience with Sifu James!

Please click here to find all the details.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Lisa Pryce
416 570 8793 or click here to email Lisa.

Setting Filters: No Me, Let It Be

Join Sifu James on Tuesday, November 8th at 9pm Eastern
for a live programming session to set very important subconscious program filters:
Title: Setting Filters: No Me, Let It Be
Time: Tuesday, November 8th at 9:00 PM Eastern

Phone number: (425) 440-5100
PIN Code: 171508#

Click here for a full list of local dial in numbers.

Click Here to attend via webcast.