As you can see, the amazing results speak for themselves! Above is the picture of the Rice and Energy Paper experiment now in month 14.
To access, download and use Sifu James’ Energy Paper click here. Please be sure to listen to the 20 minute instructional audio and read the instructions first. The Energy Paper can only be used to assist for the highest good of all. If used to harm anyone it will harm the user.
Rice and Energy Paper Month 11
Rice and Energy Paper Experiment Month 10
The Rice and Energy Paper Experiment continues. We are now in month ten. The energy that is carried by Sifu James’ Energy Paper continues to assist the rice to stay as white as the day when first placed it in the jar. The rice without the assistance of the Energy Paper continues to decay. You can easily access all the information you need on how to download and use the Energy Paper by clicking here.
Many use the Energy Paper to feel more at peace, relieve pain, assist with deeper meditation and feel more in the moment or now no matter what is taking place around them.
Rice and Energy Paper Experiment Month 9
The Rice and Energy Paper Experiment continues. It is now month 9 and Sifu James’ Foo’s Energy Paper continues to assist the rice to not fall into decay.
2015 will be a year of changes for many. Releasing the old and starting the new. Sifu James’ Energy Paper can be of great assistance. Please be sure to listen to the audio that we created on how to best use it. Click here to go there now. This is not a quick fix or a cure all, however, it is a powerful tool to assist you during these times of great change.
Please do send us your feedback and experiences with the Energy Paper as Sifu James is always making changes to assist as many as possible.