FREE September Qi-Matic Qigong Seminar

FREE September 18, 2016 Qi-Matic Qigong Seminar

Chi or Qi = Life Energy, Life-Force, or Energy Flow

Date:  September 18, 2016
Location:  The Community Holistic Health Center
352 Bedford Park Ave, Toronto (Lawrence & Avenue Rd)
Time:  9:30 am to 12:00 noon

9:30 am – 10:45 am:
Sifu James Foo: Qi
1) Introduction to Qi-Matic Qigong
2) What is Qi/Universal Energy?
3) Activate Universal Qi
4) Qi Healing
5) 528
6) Energy paper and its uses in healing

11:00 am – 11:30 am:
Special Guest Speaker
Ms Sachiyo Ichimura : Aura-Soma

“Aura-Soma-Colour-Care System” is an exciting colour system that uses the dynamic energy of nature.
By choosing 4 different bottle colour combinations, we can mirror who we are at any given time during our life journey.
The analysis of the coloured bottles will bring clarity and validation to your emotional and spiritual state of being.

11:30 am – 12:00 noon:  
Open Q&A

This is a FREE WORKSHOP open to everyone who is interested, to learn and use the knowledge to help oneself, and others.

Space is very limited so it will be on a first come first serve basis.
To register, please email Sarah Kwan at