Free September Qi Gong Seminar!

Sifu James is holding a free seminar on Sunday, September 6, 2015.

Mark your calendar and be sure to join us!

Sifu James is committed to teach as many people as possible to help themselves and others.

Born with the special ability to see energy, Sifu James has been pursuing the field of energy healing with great passion, experimenting with new findings which he shares with all. Although this is an introduction to Qi seminar, I’m sure he’ll surprise us with new knowledge and techniques.

Friends and family members are welcome. As we have limited seating, please let myself or Sarah Kwan know if you plan to come.

See you in September!

Here are the details:

Date: September 6 ,2015
Location: Community Holistic Health Centre
352 Bedford Park Ave., Toronto
(North of Lawrence / West of Avenue Rd)

Time: 9:30am to 12:00 noon

1) What is Qi/Universal Energy
2) Activate your Qi
3) Feeling the Qi movement
4) Energy paper and how it can greatly assist your life

This is a FREE WORKSHOP open to everyone who is interested, to learn and use the knowledge to help oneself, and/ or others.
Space is limited!!!
Space is guaranteed only if you email to confirm your attendance!

Click Here to email Sarah Kwan or click here to email Antonia Hagens to confirm your attendance.

Rice and Energy Paper Month 11

Rice and Energy Paper Experiment Month 10

The Rice and Energy Paper Experiment continues.  We are now in month ten.  The energy that is carried by Sifu James’ Energy Paper continues to assist the rice to stay as white as the day when first placed it in the jar.  The rice without the assistance of the Energy Paper continues to decay.  You can easily access all the information you need on how to download and use the Energy Paper by clicking here.

Many use the Energy Paper to feel more at peace, relieve pain, assist with deeper meditation and feel more in the moment or now no matter what is taking place around them.

Rice and Energy Paper Experiment Month 9

The Rice and Energy Paper Experiment continues. It is now month 9 and Sifu James’ Foo’s Energy Paper continues to assist the rice to not fall into decay.

2015 will be a year of changes for many. Releasing the old and starting the new.  Sifu James’ Energy Paper can be of great assistance. Please be sure to listen to the audio that we created on how to best use it. Click here to go there now. This is not a quick fix or a cure all, however, it is a powerful tool to assist you during these times of great change.

Please do send us your feedback and experiences with the Energy Paper as Sifu James is always making changes to assist as many as possible.

Energy Paper: How to Best Use It and How It Assists with Sifu James Foo

As you all know Sifu James Foo has been working with the Energy Paper to assist humanity in this shift that we moving through.  Back on March 18th, 2014 I thought I would run a little fun experiment.  That night I cooked some extra rice so that I could test out the Energy Paper.  I put 5 tablespoons each of rice into 2 identical jars.  Then I securely put the lids on. To one jar I taped on an Energy Paper.  To the other jar I attached a plane paper.  I wanted the conditions to be as identical as possible.  Both jars where then put in the cupboard above my stove.  Often I forgot that they were even there.  When we had any of the Qi Gong events I would bring them down so that we could all see how it was progressing. Other than that, they were left alone.

As of today it has been just over three months that I have kept the jars in my kitchen cupboard.  They have never been opened or modified in any way.  You can CLEARLY see the difference that the Energy Paper has made!!!!  I did not set any intention to this experiment other than to just be open to seeing what could happen.

The Energy Paper is to assist you and humanity.  If the soul still requires to have an experience, it will. However, I do find that using the paper allows you to stay in a state of peace, love and neutrality.

Join Sifu James Foo and I tonight for a quick thirty minute call on the Energy Paper: How to Best Use It and How It Assists.

Here are your call details:

Title: Energy Paper: How to Best Use It and How It Assists with Sifu James Foo

Time: Thursday, June 26th at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific

Click Here to attend via webcast.


To attend via telephone: (425) 440-5100, Pin Code: 171508#

Or Click Here to check for a local dial-in number.


You can easily download the Energy Paper from the Masterpiece Life site by Clicking Here or from Sifu James Foo’s site by Clicking Here.

***The Energy Paper was created to assist humanity and for the Highest Good of All.  It is NOT to be used for self-gain or to harm anyone. Using the paper to harm or for ego driven purposes will take your energy away.

Toronto Working With the Energy Source Paper

First – here is a recent testimonial:
“When I was diagnosed with gallbladder stones and had a 17 millimeters long polyp on my gallbladder. I became very interested to learn about Chi Gong Healing. Antonia and Master James Foo came highly recommended and I immediately joined the 3 Day Chi Gong Seminar. I very much enjoyed the exposure to a new way of healing.
Master James spent extra time with me during every session, helping me with my illness and encouraging me with “you are OK”.
Upon later examination of the gallbladder, it showed no stones and the polyp was only 2 millimeters long. Wow!
Thank you Master James, Antonia and Chi Gong Healing!
Believe it!”

– M. Radiceva, Toronto

Siful James Foo and Antonia Hagens will be hosting a half day workshop on working with the Energy Source Code Paper.
There is a group of us working with and testing our the Energy Paper and we are getting great results!!!
YOU MUST email Antonia to attend this event as space is limited! Click Here to email Antonia now.

Here are the event details:
Working with the Energy Paper Workshop
Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
10am – 1pm
Cost: $50 or by contribution, Students and Seniors 50% discount
Location: 4005 Bayview Avenue, Toronto (Bayview & Steeles area)
Note: No previous experience with Qi Gong is necessary to attend.